Being flexible in one part of your life can help in other parts of your life.

blood sugar diabetes managment flexibility Mar 19, 2024

I have made exercise part of my life for years and regular exercise, meaning a regular routine for the past 12 years. Along with that, I have stretched and used foam rollers and done a lot to keep my body flexible.

In the last few months, I have been making changes to my routine. This has put me out of sync with my stretching. I don’t stretch as much and I haven’t used a foam roller for quite a while. Now, I’m a little more achy and stiff when I sit for too long (like an hour). I know how good it feels to be a bit more flexible and how hard it is to start using that darn foam roller again but I’ll do it.

I also find that the more flexible I am in my body, the more flexible I am in my thinking. Rigid thinking has cut me off from myself in the past. Letting go of that rigidity has made a tremendous difference in my life. I’m surprised how much better I feel when I release that rigidity. It allows me to question, wander into new territory, see someone else’s point of view. And I don’t feel so tired all the time using energy to contain myself in my life.

Flexibility in body and thinking – stretching, being flexible can help you deal with bigger or unknown challenges.

Dr Elaine


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