Muscles impact your metabolic health and diabetes impacts your muscles.

diabetes managment muscles Jul 25, 2023

Why? Because muscles need and burn a lot of fuel. They keep us moving. Muscles contain a lot of insulin receptors to use blood sugar and stored fat. Because of this, muscles help maintain insulin sensitivity in the cells. When your muscle mass decreases, insulin sensitivity drops and you become more insulin resistant, which increases muscle breakdown and loss. This creates fat accumulation in your abdominal area, in your muscles and within the fascia of the muscle which is like a skin that supports the muscle. Think marbled meat you buy at the meat market.

As we get older, we naturally lose muscle mass. In order to maintain it, we need to keep using and challenging our muscles so we can stay strong as long as possible. We need our muscles for balance and stability. We want to function well in our daily lives the older we get. I’m talking about having the strength to get up and down out of a chair, in and out of bed, on and off the toilet. Our independence depends on our ability to get groceries out of the car or clean the house. Being able to travel, to manage a heavy suitcase, pick up and/or play with grandkids, hike, golf, play pickle ball and much more is affected by the quality of your muscle strength.

Make sure you’re getting a good amount of protein in your diet. Talk with your doctor about how much protein you should eat, especially if you have some kidney damage. In general, about 4 ounces of animal protein provides about 25 – 30 grams of protein.

Make sure to move and use your muscles to keep them strong and healthy. I strongly encourage you to talk with your doc first before starting or changing your routine.

  1. Talk to your doctor before you do anything.
  2. Find a good personal trainer who understands your goals, your medical situation and will not push you beyond your limits. She/he can help you with good form and stretching to keep you safe and moving forward.
  3. Always start low and slow, especially if you’re new to exercise or have been away from it for a while. Muscles become de-conditioned VERY fast so start today to get you back into shape.

Plan to be doing this for the rest of your life. Your future self will be so happy that your present self started doing this now. It will make your life fuller and happier, right to the end.

Dr Elaine


Download my free 30 Day Guide to Manage or Reverse Type 2 Diabetes 

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for advice about a specific medical condition.


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