The Meaning of Giving Thanks

giving thanks grateful thanksgiving Nov 21, 2023

I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to travel internationally this year – first to Ireland and second to Bali. Both trips were amazing. Ireland was green, very wet and cold. We spent our limited time in Dublin and had a couple days of sun. It was so beautiful. I loved sightseeing in the city and learning the history of Ireland. We visited Howth and the lighthouse there. It was incredibly windy and rainy that day but we braved it out to the lighthouse. The Irish people were warm and friendly and the food was delicious!

Bali was a long plane trip, 15 hours to Singapore and a couple more to Denpasar. Here the weather was tropical. We spent some time in Ubud and Tejakula. Ubud is a bustling town with lots to see and buy. Tejakula is on the coast. We swam in the sea in wonderful warm water that could have carried us away if we weren’t paying attention. In both towns, we visited water temples and participated in some of the ceremonies. The Balinese people were so kind and friendly. They happily shared their traditions and their island with us.

I'm especially grateful for my friends who organized the Bali trip. They had been there many times and smoothed the way for us so our adventures were fun and exciting. We also had some down time to just be. Both trips opened me up to seeing the world through different eyes and experiences.

I'm always grateful to get home. One of the best things about being away is being able to come home and sleep in my own bed, see my kitties and be back in my routine.

When you feel out of sorts or sad about what's going on in your life or you don't feel you have enough or whatever it is, I encourage you to look in your life and see what you do have and are thankful for. Thank the people around you. Thank the woman who brings your food to your table at the restaurant. Thank the man who holds the door for you. Thank the people who stock and shelve groceries. They all make our lives easier in one way or another.

Whatever it is, people are being kind. The kind thing to do is to acknowledge that with a thank you. This is the season of thanks and gratitude. I want to be kind to others, myself and my planet. It isn’t always easy, but with intention, I can be kind more often than I have been. I hope you have a kind, peaceful and safe holiday season.

Dr Elaine



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