5 Things You Need To Know About Foot Care with Diabetes feet foot care vacation

One of the big complications of type 2 diabetes is neuropathy. When blood sugar is poorly controlled, there is a lot of sugar in the blood stream....

Summer Fun with Diabetes diabetes summer vacation

Here in North America, we are moving into summer - the time for vacation, hanging out and enjoying the great outdoors. If you have type 2 diabetes,...

9 Ways To Manage Your Fear To Help with Diabetes anxiety diabetes fear

First, if you are in a fearful moment right now, and you're not in danger, then slow down and take a slow deep breath and then just slowly breathe....

Generational Fear and Diabetes diabete management fear gererations

My parents were born just before the depression. There wasn't much money. There wasn't much food. There was scarcity everywhere.

My mother, one of...

Understand Your Fear to Help with Your Diabetes diabetes enneagram fear

The Enneagram is an ancient process. Here is a short description of it.

"The Enneagram is a study of nine basic types of people. It explains why we...

Hardwired for Fear: Impact on Type 2 Diabetes anxiety diabetes fear

You've heard of 'fight or flight.’ Fear is all about survival. Way back in the day, if something's coming after you, you'll either stand and...

Elaine L Stewart, ND, Health and Wellness Coach
Business Address: 1801 E. Camelback Rd, Suite 102 Phoenix, AZ 85016
Mailing Address: Please contact us at [email protected]
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