Being flexible in one part of your life can help in other parts of your life. blood sugar diabetes managment flexibility

I have made exercise part of my life for years and regular exercise, meaning a regular routine for the past 12 years. Along with that, I have...

Develop New Coping Skills to Help Manage Blood Sugar blood sugar diabetes managment skills

Food isn’t the only thing we reach for when we want to “run-away” emotionally or physically from our lives at that moment. Some...

Changing eating habits was the best thing to do for type 2 diabetes blood sugar diabetes managment meal planning

How should you change your diet? Well, it comes down to ‘Why’, why do you want to change your diet and what you are actually willing to...

Continuous Glucose Monitors – A game changer for diabetes! blood sugar diabetes managment glucose monitor

There are a few things to know about CGM’s. First, they don’t measure your BLOOD glucose levels. This can only be done with a finger...

Summer Fun with Diabetes! blood sugar diabetes managment planning summer vacation

One of the first things about being on vacation is you are likely to be out of your usual routine. It’s kind of the point, right? You want to...

Four Ways Diabetes Affects Your Skin blood sugar diabetes managment skin

Diabetes is a whole body issue. It affects many systems in our bodies and skin is one of those systems.

First is acanthosis nigricans. This is...

Elaine L Stewart, ND, Health and Wellness Coach
Business Address: 1801 E. Camelback Rd, Suite 102 Phoenix, AZ 85016
Mailing Address: Please contact us at [email protected]
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The information provided on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please click here.