3 Steps to Love Your Body Even with Type 2 Diabetes.

Jul 14, 2021

I'm going to tell you the story today about Mary. Mary was a young woman who started going to school in a profession that her father was in, her sisters were in, and many of her other extended family members were in.

She went to school and in the time that she was there, she was sick all the time. I mean like nauseous, vomiting, hard to keep food down the whole nine yards. She got through it. Now it's time for her to take her exams and she's weak. And she can barely think. She can barely stand up or sit down or concentrate.

We gave her a number of nutrient IVs to build her up. And she got through her exams. After that she went to work and she was very, very good at her job. And she got a lot of accolades, a lot of praise from her clients, from her higher ups. And she got a lot of raises.  She came back to me one day and said, "My body hates me."

And I said, I think you're in the wrong job. And I think your body's trying to tell you that, but you aren't listening. Now, she's doing well, Right? And she's also vomiting in really inopportune times and places, like during meetings and conference calls. These are times when you don't want to be distracted and nobody really wants to be around that either.

Sometimes these type of feelings happen for you if you have diabetes. A lot of strong negative feelings about why is this happening to me. Why do I have to make these changes? I hate my body. I wish it wasn't like this. And so on.

But the truth is that our bodies are trying so hard to help us live our lives, to give us the body and the life that we can use to be in this world. Right? So without a body, obviously we couldn't be here. Without a body, we couldn't have any children.

Without a body, we couldn't experience emotions. We couldn't connect with each other. We couldn't love anybody. And finally, we couldn't create. We couldn't create art. We couldn't create a building. We couldn't create a mess. We couldn't create a life. So there's many, many reasons to love our bodies.

Three things that we can do to start loving our bodies. One is to truly appreciate what our bodies do for us. Every day we can walk. We can run, we can ride a bike. We can ride a horse. We can drive a car. We can sit, we can eat. We can enjoy the beauty of nature around us.

There's so much that we can do because we have this amazing body. Whether it looks the way you want it to, whether it functions the way you want it to, it still gives you an opportunity to have a life on this planet.

Second, think about your heart. Now in the beginning, you're a bundle of cells. And then there's this beating heart. And that heartbeat goes from before you're born to the end of your life. Think about that. It beats all the time, all day, all night, all week, all month, all year, every year - every year until you die.

Now that is commitment. And that's the same commitment that all of our organs have. They're all doing their jobs to keep us moving forward. And we at least have to appreciate that.

Finally, our bodies have a lot of information that we need to know - to help us make decisions and to understand what is happening around us.  So listen to your body, appreciate your body, love your body, and make the changes you need to make in your life to make things better for you.

That might be changing jobs. That might be getting out of a relationship. It might be moving. It could be anything. But our bodies can help us decide that.

So love yourself, love your body. And if you're not at that place yet, then step into some self-discovery and do the work so you have the opportunity to appreciate all these wonderful gifts that your body gives you.

If you have any questions about your diabetes, please sign up for a free phone call and I'll see what I can do to help you. Click this link to schedule.

Thank you so much for listening.


Dr. Elaine


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