Diabetes Is A Symptom of A Body Out of Balance

May 04, 2021

This is the first part of May, 2021. And I have a question for you. Have you been recently diagnosed with diabetes type two or pre-diabetes or perhaps your doctor has talked to you about having insulin resistance or maybe even something called metabolic syndrome?

If you have, are you feeling afraid or are you feeling like you have no idea what the next steps are? Or are you feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things you have to change in your life?

If you are, I'm going to suggest that we together take the first step.

The First Step is to take a few slow deep breaths. Now I've talked about fear before. I understand fear. I'm genetically predisposed to fear, and I know that if I had a diagnosis like that, I would be afraid I would go straight into catastrophic thinking: Oh my God, I'm going to lose my eyesight. I'm going to have to go on dialysis three times a week. I'm going to lose my feet.

Those things only happen when this condition, Diabetes Type Two and all the precursors, which are the steps that get us there, IF the disease isn't well controlled or well-managed.

Next, if you're able, do number two on the list, which is to shift your thinking about this diagnosis.

What do I mean by that? Well, if you think that it's a horrible thing, it's very scary and you don't know what to do, and things are just going to get worse and worse. Well, you're probably going to be right. If you think that way, everything you do to approach making a change is going to be from that mindset!

I'd like you to think about it another way.

Think that diabetes or pre-diabetes or insulin resistance are symptoms. They are symptoms of a body out of balance.

Every system that we have inside of us looks for balance. Everything!

Let's say we're in a road race, and everything is ramped up. Our breathing, and our heart rate, and our muscles are, you know, burning cells. Everything's going and going. But at the end of that race, everything needs to come down, down and replenish. Your body is always trying to come back into balance.

Now with diabetes, and I'm specifically talking about type two here. This is a result of a body - and not just a body - but a life out of balance. One way to look at this, is as an opportunity for me to make some serious changes in my life for my health. Not just for diabetes, but for heart health, for brain health, for "every system in your body health", right?

It's also an opportunity for you to start to consider "How have I been caring for myself." Maybe I haven't been doing such a good job at it. This is an opportunity to learn some different self care.

If you're a woman, at some point you will be going through menopause. And that's going to be another life-changing event that can contribute to insulin resistance and diabetes. It's really a complicated system. There are many, many moving parts.

I would like you to take this first step to realize that you can trust yourself to heal your body. Our bodies are made to heal themselves.

You get a cut, you don't have to do anything to it. You might wash it with some soap and water, but that cut will heal on its own. When you've got too much of other things in your system, as is the case in type two diabetes, then that healing process is slowed down.

There's many things that can be done. You can make this change. And I would like to guide you, step-by-step through managing and even reversing whichever of these stages of diabetes that you may be in.

Thank you so much for listening.


Dr. Elaine



This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for advice about a specific medical condition.