Fear Down Through the Generations

Mar 24, 2021

Last time I talked about the Enneagram and how that was such an important tool of healing for me. How it increased my understanding about fear, the role fear has played in my life, and how I've reacted to it.

There's another layer here that I want to talk about, and that is generational fear. My parents were both born just a couple of years before the depression. And as you know, that was a very, very difficult time in our country's history. There wasn't very much money. There wasn't very much food. There was just scarcity everywhere.

My mother was one of six siblings and she grew up in a small town, a small manufacturing town on the East coast. And in their small little house, they had six kids. They had two parents and they had my grandmother's father also living there.

There was a lot of stress on the family. There was a lot of concern that they wouldn't have enough food, and that the children would have to be split up somehow. That they would have to go live with someone else, and perhaps go to the workhouse.

When I was younger, when I was a child, I would hear these words about the workhouse - the poor house. It wasn't just the words, but it was the emotion and the feeling - and the fear behind them!

I really encourage you to talk to your parents and your grandparents or extended family members to find out what was growing up like for your parents? What was it like for your grandparents? What types of cultural things were happening at the time? What kind of personal things were happening at the time?

Because the personal histories of your grandparents affects the personal history of your parents and the personal history of your parents affects your personal history.

Now, for me, there was a lot of fear in my house. My mother was fearful. My father was fearful. Now, not outright fearful, in a way that you could look at them and say, these people are really afraid, but it was deep inside them.

What I could tell was not what was wrong, not what was causing the problem, just the vibe, kind of the 'electrical pulse' of fear. And so that made my fear worse.

The more you understand about your parents and the feelings and the fear that came down from them; the more you understand about your own personal history. Those two things are going to be key to really healing the impact of fear in your life.

It will really go a long way to help you find some peace, and to balance your emotions.

Now, as I've said before, I'm going to be giving a free webinar on March 31st at 4:00 PM, Arizona time, called 'Fear: Friend, Enemy, or Frenemy. How To Make Peace With Your Fear And Live With More Balanced Emotions.'

Click this link. Put in your name and your email address, and you're all set. You're all signed up!

I hope you'll join me.

Thank you so much for listening.

Dr. Elaine


Link to my free webinar - Fear: Friend, Enemy or Frenemy? How to make peace with your fear and find balance in your life.



For more information about the Enneagram, go to www.LindaFrazee.com


This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for advice about a specific medical condition.