New Year's Resolutions - Already? It's only November!

Nov 04, 2020

You're probably thinking 'New Year's Resolutions?' 'Now?' 'Really?' You're right, we just started November! But let's talk a little bit about New Year's Resolutions anyway, and what we can do to get a head start!

So what are they anyway?

Generally speaking, the new year is a great time to lose weight, start eating healthier, start doing more exercise, start paying down debt, start reducing clutter, start getting organized. All of these are big, and I'm going to say lofty, goals.

However, once we get there, sometimes it just fizzles. And there's a feeling of disappointment and failure felt, at least for myself. What I want to talk about is setting a goal, a goal instead of a resolution.

So a goal is specific and there's a timeframe. There's a deadline. "I Will do this by 'this time'. And there are lots of steps in between.

Now why talk about this right now? We're heading into the holiday season. We just finished Halloween. We're about to have Thanksgiving. Then we're going to move into December where we have Christmas and Hanukkah and Kwanzaa and all lots of things going on.

I want to talk about this at this particular time, because let's say you have a goal of wanting to exercise more and that's what you want to do in January. Is there something that you can do now to give you a step up, to start your goal in January? Well, I say yes, there is!

If you have a goal, think of one small thing that you can do on a consistent basis, whether that's every day, whether it's four days a week, three days a week, whatever it is. One small thing that you can do, and put it someplace in your routine that makes it super easy to do. Someplace that it makes sense to do. What you're trying to do is to create a habit that will set you up for success.

So let's say your goal is to exercise more. What you might start doing right now is simply walking. You might think, well, I have to go out. I have to go out for a half an hour. I have to walk for an hour. That's what they're saying is the best for me.

Well, yeah, that's true, but that's not where you have to start. So one thing you can do is make it a 10 minute walk, five minutes out, five minutes back, easy. Even if the weather is crappy.

If it's pouring rain, maybe not. But on a day when you say you're going to go for a walk and you don't feel like doing it, put your walking shoes on, just put them on, and maybe walk around the house once and take them off. That counts, right? That counts!

So when you do this on a regular basis, you start to feel some success and this feeling of success can really help you through the holiday season!

When you feel like things might be out of control for you, there's this one thing that you're doing that you're successful at that's happening on a very consistent basis!

And when you get to January, you say, okay, now I'm going to start my exercise program, but wait, you already have! You've already started and you've already had some success with it. It will jumpstart your goal in the new year.

For the rest of the weeks until the end of the year, I'm going to be taking on the New Year's Resolutions that most people have. I will be talking about a few things that you might do to get started on those goals. And I really hope you'll join me.

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Thank you so much for listening.

Dr. Elaine


Self Empowered Aging:


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