Our Money Mindset - Can We Change It?

Nov 11, 2020

I am not a financial analyst. I'm not an investment advisor. I'm not going to talk about budgets, how to save money, or how to pay off debt.

I'm going to talk about our mindset around money. Money is a tool that we use in our lives every day. Like our car that takes us someplace where we want to go or our refrigerator. I know we don't usually think about money that way, but that's truly what it is.

Many of us have a lot of feelings around money and those feelings can range from, I feel really great because I have a lot of it too. I feel really horrible because I don't have enough of it. And most of the feelings that we have around money really aren't about money.

Money can be really stressful for us. And all of that stress can really impact our health.

I wanted to talk about this now, especially since we're still in the early stages of November and soon we'll be buying presents for the December holidays and so on.

There are many books out there on all the things I'm talking about. Budgeting, investment savings, paying down debt, all of those things.

But the book that I want to talk about today is by author Lynne Twist. She wrote this book called "The Soul of Money - Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life".

When I read this book, it changed my life. It changed the way I think about money, about all the stuff I have, about all the stuff I don't need, why I keep buying things I don't need, and what role money truly plays in my life. I want to read a few sentences from this book.

In her preface, she says "This book is about living consciously, fully, and joyfully, in our relationship with money and learning to understand and embrace its flow. This is your opportunity to embark on a remarkable and rare journey. One that aligns money and soul to transform your life."

"Even when the game is going our way, we often feel a nagging disconnect. A gap between the way we imagine life should be and the way we are living it under the day-to-day pressure to earn more, buy more, save more, get more, have more, and to be more."

"Rarely in our life is money a place of genuine freedom, joy, or clarity. Yet we routinely allow it to dictate the terms of our lives and often to be the single most important factor in the decisions we make about work, love, family and relationship."

So in this book, she goes into two issues about money. One is scarcity and one is sufficiency.

Under scarcity, there are three toxic myths.

  • One is there isn't enough.
  • The second one is more is better.
  • And the third one is that's just the way it is.

I was surprised at how much those three things affected my life and the beliefs that I had around them.

The other half of it is sufficiency, that there really is enough. It's about much our economy and the pressure of marketing there is, and all the pressure to spend money, spend money, spend money. Money we have, money we don't have.

I would strongly encourage you to read this book. Again, it's by Lynne Twist and it's called "The Soul of Money - Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life". It will change your life!

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Thank you so much for listening!

Dr. Elaine



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