Change is in the air! Here's what’s next for me!

Apr 16, 2024

Most women, and probably you, already know what they “should” be doing. Of course, we all need to hear information more than once but when that information does not cause change, then it’s not more information you need, it’s something much deeper. Looking at my own journey of self-discovery and growth, I realized that the tools I’ve learned and have been using for years that have helped me move forward, make changes in my life that I never thought I’d be able to make, could and would be a benefit for anyone who needs to make changes in their life, especially lifestyle changes.

Change is challenging.

When you see your doctor, she/he gives you information about what you need to do. Often, your doctor might not have time to check in with you to ask, “Will this treatment plan (or medication) work for you?” The truth is that you are the one and only person who can decide what changes you are willing to make, if in fact you actually want to change. So what you really need is not more information about what to do, but to learn what’s preventing you from doing it and how to overcome those roadblocks.

My new path is working with women who know they could do much more with their lives, their mind, their heart, but struggle to find the courage and motivation to make the changes they know they want to make. They struggle with:

  • Motivation
  • Mindset
  • Negative self-image
  • Self confidence
  • Taking Action
  • And more

When you think your body doesn’t look right, feel right or work right, there is a tendency to shift your attention up and out – meaning you’re stuck in your head, looking for answers from some external source which often includes social media, advertising, television and more. You get the message that you must follow some quick fix routine to be the beautiful, slender, youthful looking, confident woman you want to be. The truth is that there is no quick fix AND you are perfect the way you are. Now, does that mean you have your life where you want it? Probably not. But, when you reconnect your mind with your body, you can tap into your own inner wisdom that is already there and bring your authority back inside yourself rather than rely on others to tell you what to do.

I’d like to invite you to attend my free introductory, experiential workshop: Inside Out: A Different Approach to Your Health and Life. You will learn, through practices I will take you through, how to reconnect with your mind, heart and body and its wisdom; how to motivate yourself to stay with your health plan and how to drop resistance and allow yourself to accept the changes you need to make.

Click here to learn more.

I’m excited about this new direction to support and empower you to guide yourself through the changes you want to make in your life for better health and a better life. Here’s to change!

Elaine Stewart - CHC


This document is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please click Here.



This episode was produced and marketed by the Get Known Service