After the Pantry, Declutter Your Home - For Your Diabetes!

cleaning declutter peace of mind spring Apr 05, 2022

 It's April and we have just come into Spring. Why do we love spring? Because we want to throw open the windows, we want to open the doors, and we want to let in fresh air. We have this intense desire to clean everything because we've been closed down for the winter. Where will you start?

I suggest before you start to declutter.  Where are you going start with decluttering? First, the pantry. Second, the fridge, the freezer, and your stash spots. You want to get rid of the sugar, the packaged and frozen foods that are going mess with your blood sugar, and make it really hard for you to stay in good control. Once that's handled, move on to decluttering your home.

I suggest a good look around your home with fresh eyes. It's easy when you're living with something for some time that you don't see it anymore. You don't see the papers stacked everywhere. You don't see the books all over the place or whatever it is in your home.

I have decluttered my house three times in the last five years. Big declutters! And still I deal with clutter. Why? Because it's continuous. I need a routine around it so that it doesn't pile up on me.

Consider this. Everything in my home needs a home itself. And the problem always comes down to: if there's no place for it, it ends up in a pile or in a box, or as clutter. What about the impact of clutter on your health? It affects your anxiety. It affects your sleep. It affects your ability to focus. It increases your stress. None of these are good for anybody, but especially for someone who has diabetes.

What can you do? Just know that decluttering is a continuous process and a lot of emotional and physical work.

First, have a plan. Where are you going to start? When are you going start? What do you need to get the job done?

Second, get your three main containers ready. The stuff you're going keep the stuff you're going donate and the stuff that's going out in the trash.

Three, consider the philosophy. If it doesn't have a home, it doesn't stay.

Have a strategy to deal with your feelings, because you're going have to let go of some stuff. You're going have to decide "I love this, but do I love it enough to not make room for this?"

Sometimes you need help from a friend, or a family member or somebody who can help out, or at least be there to comfort you as you need.

I don't love the actual decluttering process, but I can tell you that I love decluttering because when it's done, there's a huge feeling of lightness and calm.  The energy in the house is flowing, not stuck behind a lot of boxes and papers and stuff.

Start decluttering your pantry and then your home and lighten up the whole place up. Then you can get into cleaning.

Thank you for listening.



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