Setting Goals for Diabetic Care for 2022

Dec 01, 2021

The new year is about a month away and we've just had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are looking forward to the holidays in December.  And of course, New Year's is a time for resolutions, right?

We've talked about making resolutions and how they don't usually last.

I'm going to eat better.

I'm going to go to the gym.

Everything's going to be great.

You start in January and you get to February and all of it's out the window.  I'm suggesting that instead of resolutions, we set goals. They're a little more concrete, a little more clear, and easier perhaps to stick with.

What are your goals for next year?

Maybe it's better blood sugar control. Maybe it's to increase your exercise by a day or by certain number of minutes a week. Maybe it's really taking a look at your self-talk and saying, okay, I'm ready to change this now.

Perhaps one of your goals is better food choices. Perhaps you have a goal to be thankful and to really appreciate the people around you, thanking them and acknowledging them for how they support you.

My goal for 2022 is around meal planning. I've done done meal planning before for about six weeks. And I'll tell you it was awesome. Why? Because I knew what I was going to eat every day. And not only did I know what I was going to eat, I had the ingredients in my refrigerator and my pantry. So I could always prepare the food.

I had everything I needed on hand.  There were things I could do ahead of time to save time.  For example, I could make a whole crock pot full of food on Sunday and then have several meals out of that during the week. And then, I stopped. I don't know why. I just did. I want very much to get back into that so that is a goal for me.

Because we're about a month away, you might be asking, "why should I start doing this now?"  It's a great opportunity to really think about maybe three goals that you might want to achieve for next year. You might ask yourself what do I want to change, stop or start next year that will move me forward in my life or my business? Once you have an idea, you might ask, "What's one small step that I can take right now that will set me up for success in the new year."  When you do, you will already be on your way to achieving your goals in 2022.

Think about it.

Thank you so much for listening.

I wish you safe and peaceful holidays.


Dr. Elaine


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 This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for advice about a specific medical condition.


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