What is your top goal for your diabetes management in 2023?

diabetes managment sugar control Jan 03, 2023

One place to start is reducing or eliminating the sugar in your diet. Why? Because, in order to get better blood sugar control, you need to focus on eating for stable blood sugar. If your blood sugar is stable, your insulin will be stable. If your insulin is stable, you will be able to burn fat for fuel and lose some weight. It all sounds so easy, doesn’t it? Well, it is and it isn’t.

That’s why I’m running a 10 Day Sugar Free Challenge starting this Wednesday, January 4th. It is an opportunity to start with a small step. For some of us, this is a big step and for others, it will be no problem. Whichever camp you fall into, it’s important to set yourself up for success and decide – “Am I ready to eliminate sugar from my diet?” or “Am I ready to reduce how much sugar I’m eating” or “Should I listen and learn for now?” Either way, you will be taking a step forward.

Sugar tastes good. We’re wired for it. It’s also a go-to for many reasons other than hunger. Some of us use sugar, sugary foods and sugary drinks as a way to cope with painful feelings, emotions or trauma from the past as a way of soothing ourselves. Giving it up means learning new coping skills to replace the ones that don’t serve us any longer.

Participating in this challenge will give you the opportunity to get clear on what you really want regarding sugar. Do you want to eliminate it completely or begin to cut down in a way that gives you options on what, how much and by when.

The challenge is a way to recognize where you are and see what is it you really want. The ultimate goal of all of this is stable blood sugar. It leads to many, many benefits such as reduction in medication and or insulin, reducing the risk of very serious complications and feeling better, gaining control over your health and your life.

There is still time to sign up. The first three days of the challenge are preparation days. The investment you are making in your health is only $97. Isn’t your health worth that?

Dr Elaine


Join the 10 Day Sugar Free Challenge!


This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for advice about a specific medical condition.


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