Changing eating habits was the best thing to do for type 2 diabetes

blood sugar diabetes managment meal planning Aug 22, 2023

How should you change your diet? Well, it comes down to ‘Why’, why do you want to change your diet and what you are actually willing to do. It’s challenging enough to change habits built over a lifetime, especially when you don’t really want to make that particular change. Your goal is the key. Do you want to get your blood glucose levels down and consistent? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to avoid having to take insulin? Do you want to avoid the life-limiting complications of poorly controlled diabetes? Do you just want to keep enjoying the same foods and hope for the best? Whatever you do, doing it consistently will support your body to handle the change.

Of course, you might be thinking – ‘what can I eat’, or ‘when should I eat’ or ‘how do I stop eating the things I love?’ One very important aspect of food is digging into what is underneath your behavior around certain foods. You, like many others, may have emotional attachments to food that you may or may not realize. Foods from your childhood, for example, are often connected with feeling loved or protected or happy. Food can also be used as a way to push down feelings that are hard to handle. There may be some denial or unwillingness to look under the surface because it’s too painful or you don’t know what will come up for you.

You may want to start paying attention to foods you gravitate to, particularly when you are under stress. These would be the foods you’re drawn to for comfort. Notice how often you reach for them and especially notice if you eat them unconsciously. Once you become aware of these foods, start to explore the feeling beneath the desire to eat these foods. This process can take some time. I encourage you to write about your feelings. Get help if what comes up is too difficult for you to work with on your own. This work will help release you from the often intense desire to eat foods that are not compatible with good blood glucose control.

Dr Elaine

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