Make a plan to achieve your diabetic goals in 2024

diabetes managment goals new year setting goals Dec 26, 2023

Take some time to reflect on how your 2023 was for you. Did you set some goals for this year and did you achieve them? A big step in making change is changing your mindset around your diabetes, your health, your life and YOU. All these are literally life changing and when you are used to doing things or thinking or talking to yourself in a certain way, you have made a habit of it. Sometimes, these are so deeply ingrained, you don’t really notice them. They can be a challenge to change.

When you are clear on what your goals are for 2024, I suggest you create a vision board. This is a visual representation of your goals. I made one last year using PowerPoint on my computer rather than “the cut pictures out of magazines and paste on a board” method. There’s nothing wrong with this if you love doing it this way. When I use Powerpoint, I can find exactly the images I’m looking for online to remind me daily of my goals. See example. This is a powerful tool to keep your goals, what you say you want, in front of you.

As you think further about your goals, remember you want to avoid being overwhelmed. Break down your goals into smaller steps. Remember, this is a goal to change your life so it is a journey, not simply something you reach and then go back to the way things were.

State your goal and your steps toward your goal in positive terms. If you see these changes as a chore, you will likely have to fight to achieve them. However, if you do what you WANT, you will probably stay on your journey to reach your goals.

Think about the things you did in 2023 that moved you forward toward better blood sugar control and therefore better health. Then think about the things you did that got in the way, that moved you away from your goal. Now, consider what you need to start doing to support yourself in moving forward.

Make a little chart with 3 columns. Label them: STOP, KEEP and START

Under STOP, list the things that didn’t help you move forward and importantly the things that made your blood sugar worse. Next, under KEEP, list the things you did that really helped you. As you think about the new year and your goals, what do you need to start doing to help you move forward. Put these under START.

For example, you may have decided that a bit of chocolate after your meal is a sweet treat and you deserve it. These may add up to a lot of sugar. Maybe this goes under the STOP list. Maybe you’ve been checking your blood sugar pretty regularly and have a better idea of which foods spike your blood sugar and which ones keep it more stable. This activity goes under the KEEP list.

Now, maybe you haven’t gotten the support you need from your family because you haven’t educated them about your diabetes or you have and they just don’t get it. Maybe this is the year you get clear about how your family can support you and you let them know. This is an ongoing process so you’ll be educating your family, friends and others who need to know. This activity goes under the START list.

It is easier to do things that make you feel good, that help you think positively so you are not at war with yourself. Add these into your plan and see what you can accomplish in 2024.

Dr Elaine