How flexible can you be when you eat for better blood sugar control?

diabetes managment food insulin Mar 12, 2024

There are a number of ways to incorporate IF into your lifestyle. You can “fast” on weekends and eat normally during the week or “fast” every other day and eat normally on alternate days. To me, that feels confusing for me and my body. I am using the time-restricted or as I like to call it, time bound eating. This means dividing your 24 hours into a fasting window and an eating window. Most people start with a 12 hour fasting/eating window. Once that is established, you can slowly increase your fasting window (which includes 8 or so hours of sleep) up to 16 hours with an 8 hour eating window. It can be as rigid or as flexible as you let it be. I usually stick to an 8 hour eating window but when I socialize with friends, I expand that window.

There are tons of benefits to IF, not the least of which is to stabilize your insulin levels by stabilizing your blood sugar levels. There are tons of resources online about IF. If you are thinking about intermittent fasting, talk to your doctor about it. It may involve potential changes to medications or other issues so make sure your doctor knows what you’re thinking and what recommendations they have for you.

Dr Elaine


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